2 Jobs Found
Thomas Shawn Lupella P.A.
Fort Walton Beach Criminal And DUI Attorney
1年前 Consulting Fort Walton Beach - 7.47mi Full-time $-- per hour
Attorney Shawn Lupella helps residents and vacationers that have been arrested in the Fort Walton Beach area and throughout Okaloosa County, Florida.
Thomas Shawn Lupella P.A.
Thomas Shawn Lupella P.A
Thomas Shawn Lupella P.A
1年前 Financial Services Destin - 0mi Full-time $-- per hour
Thomas Shawn Lupella P.A
3997 Commons Drive West
Suite I
Destin, FL 32541
(850) 424-5240
Attorney Shawn Lupella helps residents and vacationers that have been arrested in the Des...